Help Spread the Word About National Safe Digging Month
National Safe Digging Month is back! This April, the damage prevention community will once again recognize the importance of protecting underground infrastructure nationwide during the annual monthlong acknowledgement through our state-wide observance of Indiana Safe Digging Month, as proclaimed by Gov. Holcomb. To help you join in on the action, Indiana 811 has updated its online marketing toolkit with more resources to help remind homeowners to contact 811 before they dig to prevent injuries, property damage and inconvenient outages. For access to press release templates, 811 official logos and web buttons, fact sheets, radio ads, brand new Indiana 811 logos sized for social media sharing and more.
Get Your Local Government Involved in Indiana Safe Digging Month!
New to this year, Indiana 811 invites you to get your local government or community officials involved in Indiana Safe Digging Month! Indiana 811’s marketing toolkit now includes brand new template documents for requesting the support of your city, town, county or township government officials. Visit the marketing toolkit to download and complete the template letter to request official endorsement of Indiana Safe Digging Month and ask your government partners to share their support with the community using the toolkit’s sample article or news release. All marketing tools are free and a great way to help spread the message of safe digging in your town!
Save the Date for the 2019 MWDPTC
Mark your calendar! On Nov. 6-8, The Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference (MWDPTC) will once again take place at the French Lick Resort in French Lick, Ind. This fall, Indiana and Kentucky 811 will host their seventh annual conference, where attendees will gather once again to learn how to become damage prevention lifesavers. Anyone who is interested in protecting the region’s buried utilities and network with their industry peers is encouraged to attend! Registration opens in May, so stay tuned for early bird discounted pricing. For updates about the conference, email [email protected]. Want to learn more about what the MWDPTC has to offer? Visit for a summary of the event and to view photos and session presentations from the 2018 MWDPTC@admin