Introducing New Exactix Logos for Home and Pro!

Indiana Damage Prevention Stakeholders,
In 2021, Indiana 811 successfully implemented its new software, Exactix, to improve the ticket request process for excavators and members. In 2022, Indiana 811 is continuing to encourage increased online ticket submissions to help streamline the 811 system and provide users with access to the helpful features Exactix offers, including state-of-the-art mapping tools and updated maps.

To that end, we are introducing new marketing tools for our Members, including Exactix Home and Exactix Pro logos! We are thrilled to present them here, and are making them available to download in the Indiana 811 marketing toolkit so you can help spread the word about Exactix to your internal and external audiences.

To further reinforce the use of online tickets through Exactix, Indiana 811 has additional updated graphics and slogans for promoting the 811 Before You Dig message. Our marketing toolkit now has updated logos with the “811 Before You Dig” slogan as opposed to “Call Before You Dig” to encourage online tickets rather than calling 811 via phone, along with everything else you could think of to help your 811 marketing efforts!
Visit the marketing page of the Indiana 811 website below to download these new logos. Thank you for your continued support in sharing the 811 Before You Dig message!

Indiana 811 Marketing Toolkit

Safe Digging,

Indiana 811