Positive Response Codes
Open Codes – As indicated in the description, these codes require either an updated response code from the operator, or the excavator may need to update their ticket.
3B Unmarked – Incorrect Address Information –Do not excavate until resolved. Incorrect address information. Contact Indiana 811.
3C Unmarked – Marking Delay – Do not excavate until resolved. Excavation site is unmarked; markings are delayed. The locate technician cannot mark within two full working days or by the requested start date and time, whichever is later. Per Indiana Law, the operator shall notify the excavator responsible of their determination and shall provide additional information.
3D Unmarked – Marking Instructions are Unclear – Do not excavate until resolved. The locate instructions are unclear. Contact Indiana 811.
3F Unmarked – Line is untonable – Do not excavate until resolved. The line is untonable and the utility has been notified to resolve the issue. Per Indiana Law, the operator shall notify the excavator responsible of their determination and shall provide additional information.
3G Unmarked – Ongoing – The locate technician has partially marked an area but cannot mark the entire proposed excavation area within two full working days or by the requested start date and time, whichever is later. Per Indiana Law, the operator shall notify the excavator responsible of the operator’s determination and shall provide additional information. Do not excavate the proposed excavation area that has not been located.
6A Joint Meet Conflict – Your proposed meeting is in conflict, and we are unable to meet on site; the utility owner may attempt to contact you. **this code can only be used on Joint Meet tickets**
6B Joint Meet Accepted – Request accepted at stated date and time. **this code can only be used on Joint Meet tickets**
Closed Codes – As indicated in the description, these codes signify that the necessary response has been provided by the operator or locate technician.
1 Marked – Underground facilities in the proposed excavation area have been marked.
1A Marked with Exceptions – Do Not Excavate, High-Profile Utility – Do not excavate. A high-profile utility is in the area of the proposed excavation; the utility owner WILL attempt to contact you to schedule surveillance.
1B Marked with Exceptions – High-Profile Utility – A high-profile utility is in the area of the proposed excavation; the utility owner MAY attempt to contact you to schedule surveillance.
1C – Work Being Done by Facility Owner or Facility Owners’ Master Contractor is responsible for locating facilities.
2 Clear – No underground facilities are in the proposed excavation or design area.
3A Unmarked – Could Not Gain Access to Property – Do not excavate until resolved. The locate technician could not gain access to property; the excavator must provide access and submit a new ticket.
3E Unmarked – Excavation Already Performed – The excavator has performed the excavation prior to the locators’ arrival.
4 Private Line – This is a private line and it is not the responsibility of the members of Indiana 811 to locate private facilities. For more information, please visit https://indiana811.org/myutilities.
5A Design Notice – Documents Provided – Design Notice – Installation records, maps, or other documents have been provided. **this code can only be used on Design Notice tickets**
5B Design Notice – Marked – Design Notice – Underground facilities have been marked. **this code can only be used on Design Notice tickets**
6C Joint Meet Complete – The meeting has taken place. **this code can only be used on Joint Meet tickets**
7 Damage – Damage notification acknowledged. **this code can only be used on Damage tickets**