Exactix is Launching Soon!
Exactix is launching in less than three weeks on the night of March 31. Do you still have questions about our new online ticketing platform? Check out some frequently asked questions below!
When will Exactix launch?
Exactix will launch by the night of March 31, 2021.
Why is Indiana 811 transitioning to Exactix?
Indiana 811 chose Exactix because it is a state-of-the-art ticketing platform that will streamline the 811 process for excavators and members alike. The platform, which has been implemented in multiple states across the country, has dozens of useful and intuitive features that will benefit you and your company.
Will Indiana 811 continue to send tickets from the same email address?
No, the email address will change to [email protected].
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page on indiana811.org/exactix to learn more about Exactix. If you have any specific questions, please contact our Exactix Launch Team at [email protected].