Continuing Education Units at the Virtual MWDPTC

The 2020 Virtual Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference (VMWDPTC) will provide an opportunity for attendees to receive Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credit for tuning in to training sessions.

Attendees who participate in online training sessions at the 2020 Virtual MWDPTC will be eligible to receive CEU credits for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Well Water and Pump Installers from the State of Indiana and Wastewater and Drinking Water from the State of Kentucky. At the conclusion of the Virtual MWDPTC, all attendees will receive an email with instructions about how to receive CEU credit for sessions attended. Please note, you must have a valid operator certification number to be eligible to receive CEU credits.

View the full schedule and session details now. You must register for the conference before registering for individual speakers and sessions.

Register Now

To learn more about CEUs, please visit the VMWDPTC certifications page. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the CEU process.

We hope to see you virtually on Nov. 5,

The 2020 VMWDPTC Planning Team